Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Panda Bears are Endangered T^T

- some people destroy their habitats.

- panda's have a diet of 99% bamboo.

- without bamboo they will not survive.

Protect our panda's tell people to stop killing pandas for fur and destroying their habitat for farms.

posted by:Angela Han

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

climate change is bad for ice


North Pole facts:

The North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth, on the complete opposite side of the South Pole.

At the North Pole all directions point south.

Arctic facts:

The word Arctic comes from the Greek αρκτικός (arktikos), "near the Bear, arctic, northern" and that from the word άρκτος (arktos), which means bear.

posted by Grace Jung

Monday, June 14, 2010

Easy Orgami Animals


if you are bored and love animals click on the link above for fun easy directions on how to make origami animals. instead of hunting them, lol!!!!!

post by elisa teacher with irene's help

The Rainforest

The Rainforest is a damp place. But the trees in the Rainforest is being cut. But even though it is beging cut off,there are still many things to discover, like insects and animals.


Within the rainforest are an estimated 30,000 species of vascular plants, with 5,000-10,000 species of trees alone, making it one of the most diverse areas on the planet.

The largest rainforest of the region, the Amazon, covers over half a billion hectares from the eastern lowlands of Colombia south through Peru to Bolivia.


Posted by Grace Jung

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Unwanted hair will save the gulf!

Check out the video and pictures below. Let your hair do its part!


Posted by Jane Kim

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What is solar power?

Solar power is sunlight converted into electricity or heat. How exciting that we have so many solar options.

posted by Grace Jung

Monday, June 7, 2010

we need to get off oil

the picture says it all
post by elisa teacher

cute baby animals

The whole environment needs to be protected. Especially the animals. We need your help to save the animals.

posted by Irene Chung

Albino Animals

Albino animals are rare but they occur in every species!
Check out the pics below:

posted by Grace Jung